Birth Center Courses

How to Successfully Run a Birth Center
Everything you need to know for starting a successful birth center practice
*ACNM CEUs pending approval*

Birth Center Basics
Great place to start with deciding on opening a birth center practice

Birth Center Planning Pathway
This 8 month DETAILED week by week opening strategic planning course will allow ANYONE to open a birth center

Birth Center Billing & Coding Tips
Excellent course for any birth center or midwifery practice billing insurance plans for care.

Birth Center Quality Improvements
This is a great course for anyone that already has an established birth center wanting to improve day to day operations and take their center to the next level.

Marketing Essentials for Midwives
Marketing core campaigns that all midwives should be implementing in their birth centers and practices.

Birth Center Regulations & Accreditation Process
This is a great introduction course for anyone wanting to understand the various US state regulations, resources, & accreditation process available.

Creating a Dynamic Birth Center Team
We know how challenging hiring the right people for a birth center practice can be. This course goes into details various staff that should be part of a birth center, recruiting process, & how to create strong contracts to keep them long term.

Birth Center Ancillary Service Opportunities
There are so many amazing things that midwives and birth center can do to bring in multiple service lines & revenue streams with their birth centers. This course goes into many typical and creative ways that birth centers can bring diversified income to the practice.